The Dual Mode Intranet

Every organization has two modes that need to be handled: “business as usual”, and “business as UNususal”.

The balance between them—how much collective time spent in respective mode—is dependent on the organization’s mission, nature, leadership, size, age and several other factors. To recognize that the two modes exist in every organization, and to build a collection of digital services that supports work in both modes, is imperative if you want to deliver a great digital employee experience.

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Moments of truth—and the relevance of your intranet

Take a long, hard look at this photo. This is the core business in Region Skåne, my organisation.

The patient in the bed (a small child) and this nurse, along with 27,999 additional healthcare staff, is the primary reason why Region Skåne exists. This photo embodies the organisational mission—to treat patients and to save lives.

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The right intranet for us

There is no such thing as a generally good tool; there are only tools good for particular jobs. Contrary to the hopes of countless managers, technology is not an infinitely elastic piece of fabric that can be stretched to cover any situation. Instead, a good social tool is like a good woodworking tool–it must be designed to fit the job being done, and it must help people do something they actually want to do.
Clay Shirky: Here Comes Everybody, p 265

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Intranet mission, vision, strategy and so on

Have you ever felt some people use words the wrong way? In Sweden sometimes I see a big, collective uncertainty about what vision, mission, strategy and some other words mean. Therefore many people misunderstand each other at meetings and other work situations, sometimes even at executive level. Continue reading “Intranet mission, vision, strategy and so on”